I wanted to congratulate myself on forming an LLC for Your Green Club. It's a reminder of how much time and work it takes to form your own business (i.e. I didn't pay a service to form the business for me, I am filing all the NYS paperwork by myself -- it saves a little money). It's not an easy task.
What new green things did you do this week? I've started carpooling to some networking events. I put 20,000 miles on my car last year!! I've been trying to find a carpooling buddy, a couple people who go to the same events that I do live near me. Less than half my miles are business related: The real culprit is porting children for visitation.
Oh, in case you haven't heard: the FDA approved the sale of cloned meats to the public: the cloned meat does NOT need to be labeled explicitly, and probably won't be! Unless you're buying your meat direct from farmers you know and trust, you don't really know what you're getting. It's a good reminder to try to get meat out of your diet (eating lower on the food chain has a dramatic impact on your carbon footprint), or at least limit it to smaller farmers who probably wouldn't be able to have cloned animals. Does anyone have more information on which lines are carrying cloned meat products? :(
I've been working on tax preparation. Another update soon! I promise!
Monday, March 3, 2008
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