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Blogging about my experiences with ecologically friendly products, practices and the Earth. For example: trying to lose weight with non-genetically modified (no GMO) soy products, or cleaning with 100% biodegradable cleaners.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Happy EarthDay!

In celebration of EarthDay I'm giving presentations for Toxic Cleaners vs. Shaklee's GetClean starter kit. For a schedule of events, please see

In the presentation I discuss how toxic cleaners, and common chemicals in the cleaners that we use in our homes, adversely affect our health. Then I'll discuss how much money, time, and chemical trouble you can save by replacing your cleaners with the Shaklee GetClean starter kit. The conference call is long distance for most people, so I will gladly do one-on-one toll-free presentations (for GetClean, the Cinch diet plan, the Shaklee business opportunity presentation, Vitalizer vitamin presentation, or Non-Profit fundraising opportunities) if anyone is interested -- you just have to contact me.

I will be opening up my schedule for other presentations on a regular basis starting in May. If you're interested, please let me know.

Have a clean, green, happy EarthDay!

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